Drawn to more natural forms; my work visually consists of blending shape and bold colour, taking inspiration from nature and the female figure. The intricacies found within nature and the human body in relation to pattern is what I find fascinating and is where I find a lot of my inspiration.
Bold use of colour and layering of pigments are featured throughout the majority of my work. My current studio work continues to explore motherhood, To achieve this, I have been developing symbolic imagery to integrate into paintings, for example pomegranates to symbolise fertility.
My own identity and experience recently have had a large impact on the work I am producing.
My expressive approach is often intuitive particularly within creating pattern as I find that’s when I achieve a more satisfying outcome that has energy.
In my current practice I like to layer into my work using different materials to create variations of texture and pattern. Often using a wash of watercolour and working into the piece with pen, ink and oil paint. There is a general playfulness to my work seemingly in the way it presents itself through vibrant colour and line.
I am based in Scotland.